03-05-2013 09:07 AM
03-06-2013 04:01 AM
03-06-2013 06:27 AM
03-06-2013 07:12 AM
03-08-2013 04:53 AM
Date d= new Date();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.add(Calendar.DATE, -days);
d.setTime( c.getTime().getTime() );
SimpleDateFormat dt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyy\-mm\-ddThh:mm:ss");
String formateddate=dt.format(d);
PATH:"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:ita/cm:documentLibrary/cm:HR_x0020_Department/*" AND (@cm\:created: [MIN TO formateddate])
03-08-2013 06:29 AM
03-11-2013 02:14 AM
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