Ignoring the results to folders (_x003 *), all documents listed here have properties with value "admin". Thus, if the indexing is good, they should appear in the search for that word.
However, with: Search Language: lucene Search: PATH:"/app:company_home/cm:Empresa/cm:Expediente/cm://*" AND (TEXT:*admin*)
In the research, nothing is returned. Search Language: lucene Search: PATH:"/app:company_home/cm:Empresa/cm:Expediente/cm://*" AND ( TEXT:*Ass2*)
Results (0 rows) Parent Node Name
Note that before changes in models that I referred, the original code was: <property name="cc:assuntoDocEntrada"> <title>Assunto do documento de entrada</title> <type>d:text</type> <mandatory>true</mandatory> <index enabled="true"> <atomic>false</atomic> <stored>false</stored> <tokenised>true</tokenised> </index> </property>
For example, I uploaded two files for testing, with the same characteristics (size, PDF conversion engine, the application that converted document to PDF). Both are placed in the same space.