05-02-2018 02:05 PM
{{Obsolete content}}
Please Note: This Alfresco AWS QuickStart is no longer available. Please use this page to trial Alfresco Process Services and this page to learn how to deploy on AWS.
In this short post, I’ll outline the steps to launch Alfresco Process Services (APS) version 1.8.1 using the updated Amazon Machine Image (AMI) available on the AWS Marketplace.
Step 0: Register for a 30-day trial license
If you don't have a license to run Process Services, you can get a 30-day trial license by visiting https://www.alfresco.com/platform/process-services-bpm/trial/aws.
Step 1: Select the AMI from AWS Marketplace
From the AWS EC2 console in your preferred region, launch a new instance based on the AMI shared on the AWS Marketplace.
By default, we recommend using m4.large instance type. Nevertheless, you can use a smaller instance such as t2.medium.
Apart from the instance type, you can simply leave the default settings and click the Preview and Launch button. After clicking the Launch button, the EC2 instance will be in the ‘initializing’ state for no longer than 2 to 3 minutes, before Alfresco Process Services will be accessible, denoted by the EC2 instance changing to the ‘running’ state.
To secure and control inbound traffic to your instance, you need to edit the existing inbound rules. To limit the HTTP inbound traffic to your IP for example, add the following custom rule:
Once the instance state is ‘running’ and all status checks passed, open a browser page using the URL: http://{public_dns_here}:8080/activiti-app.
On the login page, use the credentials:
If you need a valid product license, it takes less than 2 minutes to get a 30-day trial license by filling out the form at https://www.alfresco.com/platform/process-services-bpm/trial/aws
The Process Workspace is a new out-of-the-box user interface for end users to view, act and collaborate on tasks and processes. Read the APS 1.8 blog post for more details. The Process Workspace UI is available at http://{public_dns_here}:8080/activiti-app/workspace/.
Open a browser page using the URL: http://{public_dns_here}:8080/activiti-admin. On the login page, use the default credentials: admin/admin.
Once logged in to the Admin console, it is always recommended to update the existing password to something much more secure such as a combination of four words. Check out this post for details about securing passwords.
Open the Configuration menu to connect the Admin Console to your APS running application. Edit the REST endpoint settings and apply the corresponding values as shown here below.
Save and click on Check REST endpoint. You get a confirmation message with the endpoint status and Engine version.
Bravo! You have successfully launched APS using the AMI published by Alfresco.
You now have a running Alfresco Process Services environment that you can use to explore the Hello World getting started tutorial and try out some of our more advanced < community examples
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