I go into troubles while using French language: I use this code in my jsp page:
<%– load a bundle of properties with I18N strings –%>
<f:loadBundle basename="alfresco.messages.webclient" var="msg"/>
<f:loadBundle basename="alfresco.messages.EthicFlow_webclient" var="EFmsg"/>
And I have a file EthicFlow_webclient.properties in my system in webclient config alfresco messages and another one (in French) in C:\alfresco\jboss\server\default\conf\alfresco\messages. However everything that I added stay in English not in French and Alfresco words stay in French. What do I miss to do?
And if I do that: Application.setLanguage(context, this.applicationLanguage);
the language of my application didnt change! Should I do something else?