We were able to successfully install Open Office 3.1 on a remote Sun Solaris 10 server using X Windows by using the following products and procedures. We used a WIN XP machine and had previously installed putty and Cygwin.
1. This procedure assumes that the Open Office Solaris packages have been successfully uploaded and that the zipped file for OO has been unzipped. It does not matter where the OO zipped file is placed as long as it is executable. As this is being written, Open Office is being transferred from Oracle to the Apache Software Foundation. So downloads of OO may available from either place.
2. You will need the putty application as part of this procedure. Just Google the word putty and it will take you to their website where you can download this app. Be sure to download it to your desktop and run it from there.
3. Download Cygwin by searching for the term cygwin. Download it to your download directory and run it from there. Choose all packages, but beware that this app requires a lot of memory. And it will take awhile to install.
4. On your source WIN XP box bring up a Cygwin XWIN terminal by clicking on:
Start->Programs->Cygwin-X->XWin Server
In that window type:
xhost + (enter)
You should see a response something like:
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host.
5. Configure your putty client as follows: Launch putty. In the left side configuration area click on:
and click on the checkbox that says:
Enable X11 forwarding
6. ssh to the target server via the putty client that you configured in step 5 above as user (we used user oracle). Make sure that you are utilizing the bash shell. Issue the command:
Make a note of that value.
7. Verify that the local environment does not overwrite the display environment (in local .profile) If there is a $DISPLAY entry in the local .profile file, comment it out, logout and log back in again.
8. Type the command:
If an analog clock shows up within a window on your Windows desktop, then you are configured correctly so far. If it doesn’t review steps 1-7 again. You may close the xclock window on your Windows desktop.
9. In the user home directory, create a file called sudoroot.sh. The file should contain the following code:
# Remember DISPLAY
echo $DISPLAY > /tmp/.echoUser1DISPLAY.txt
chmod a+r /tmp/.echoUser1DISPLAY.txt
# Remember cookie
/usr/openwin/bin/xauth list | grep `echo $DISPLAY | cut -c10-12` > /tmp/.parseUs
chmod a+r /tmp/.parseUser1Xauth.txt
su - root
If cutting and pasting the above text, make sure that all lines that did not wrap properly are joined using the ‘shift j’ command. Chmod this file to 755 and run the script:
Enter the root password. As root, make sure that you are utilizing the bash shell. Type the command:
to be sure that you are in the root directory.
10. Create a file called setxwin. It should contain the following code:
echo If you receive an error make sure you are in a bash shell prior to running
this script via: . ./setxwin
/usr/openwin/bin/xauth add `cat /tmp/.parseUser1Xauth.txt`
export DISPLAY=`cat /tmp/.echoUser1DISPLAY.txt`
Save this file, chmod it to 755 and type the command:
. ./setxwin
When you are returned to a prompt, issue the command:
It should be the same as the display value that you recorded earlier. If the display value is blank, the usual causes are that you are not in bash shell or that you missed one of the earlier steps. There has to be a display value present in order for you to proceed from this point.
11. As a test, issue the command:
If this works, a small analog clock will again appear within a window on your desktop.
12. If step 11 works, on the target Solaris server cd to where you unzipped Open Office and run the command:
A Windows like setup screen should then appear on your Windows desktop allowing you to run the setup program for Open Office.