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Child Associations

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I created 5 content types and i want to associate them with some child associations: a type (mm:doc) should be the "father" of the other 4 types, is it correct this code? :

          <!– Documento Generale  –>
          <type name="mm:doc">
           <title>Documento Generale</title>

          <!– Documento Ufficio Legale–>
          <type name="mm:legal">
           <title>Documento Legale</title>
            <child-association name="mm:Legalassociations">
              <title>Documenti Legali collegati</title>

        <!– Documento Ufficio Amministrazione –>
        <type name="mm:administration">
         <title>Documento Amministrazione</title>
            <child-association name="mm:Adminassociations">
              <title>Documenti Amministrativi collegati</title>
       <!– Documento Magazzino –>
       <type name="mm:store">
        <title>Documento Magazzino</title>
            <child-association name="mm:Storeassociations">
              <title>Documenti Magazzino collegati</title>
       <!– Documento Ufficio Vendite–>
       <type name="mm:sell">
        <title>Documento Vendite</title>
             <property name="mm:prop">
                <constraint ref="mm:stringLength"/>
            <child-association name="mm:Sellassociations">
              <title>Documenti Vendite collegati</title>


Ad another question, in the file web-config-custom.xml i have to use a config tag for each type wichi i want to associate?

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
I didn't test it, but from a quick glance it looks right to me.

Yes, you have to provide UI config for each of those types.
