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Forum Posts

Problem with the Search

hi guys!i think you have a problem with your search function on the search page.  i tried the download and was able to connect with alfresco, but i couldn't search for any of the documents that were there.  am i doing something wrong?  do i need to c...

Use external code in the Module AMP

Hello,I would like to use code inside another projet. I have some problems to generate my module.The Eclipse projetsProjet_common (contains‍‍build.xml (working)…<target name="compile">  <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/class...

dranakan by Champ on-the-rise
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Problème WEBDAV (on line) et PDF (page blanche sous Win7

Bonjour,Savez-vous s'il existe une solution\correction pour WEBDAV sous Windows7 ?Car mes postes migrant sous "Seven" ne peuvent plus éditer les docs en ligne….De plus, J'ai souvent des problèmes sur mes postes Vista/7 et parfois XP pour l'ouverture ...

sergio1024 by Champ in-the-making
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BPMN Activity 'documentation' element

If I have a <userTask> element in my BPMN20.xml process definition, I can add a <documentation> element inside it. Great.But I cant see how I can do that with other elements such as manualTask.Why cant a manualTask have some documentation? My app's u...

mlawler by Champ in-the-making
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problemas con librerias

buenas, necesitaría hacer los siguientes imports para poder hacer una función de creación y asignación de usuarios a un grupo. Alguien me sabría decir que es lo que necesito para poder usarlas?import

ijr87 by Champ in-the-making
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Rules not working, help please

I searched the forum with google and found similar posts but at this time I think no similar answer is found.Please help.The symptoms of this are:I create a rule for all items, then a transform and copy content into pdf file into another space for al...

Exception after Upgrade 3.2 -> 3.3

Hi,I'm relative new to Alfresco, but wanted to try an update from 3.2 to 3.3 today. After installing the new version and configuring, it installed a few patches and after it started regularly I get reproduceable the following exception:03:14:42,537 I...

homer86 by Champ in-the-making
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How to configure alfresco for Spring AOP

Hi,I have an Alfresco project already running. I needed to configure Spring AOP in Alfresco application. I have created a Spring-AOP-context.xml where all the aop configuration is done.The Spring-AOP-context.xml is as follows:<?xml version='1.0' enco...

amitnerkar by Champ in-the-making
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Lucene Search Query

Hello All,I'm trying to figure out a way to restrict the search result attributes displayed of the Lucene query.For example, say I have list of users in the "persons" type. If i want to display just the "firstName" property for a specific "userName" ...

armedia by Champ in-the-making
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