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Installing 3.2r Records Management on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have a good alfresco 3.2r server, installed from scratch, on Ubuntu 8.04, but I am not able to fully install DOD Records Managments.

Here are the steps I followed more than once:

sudo /opt/Alfresco/ stop
cd /opt/Alfresco/amps
sudo wget
sudo wget
sudo chmod 755 alf*.amp
sudo /opt/Alfresco/apply_amps
cd /tmp
chmod 755 AlfrescoRMCommunity-3.2r-Linux-x86-Install
sudo ./AlfrescoRMCommunity-3.2r-Linux-x86-Install
sudo /opt/Alfresco/ start

The DOD modules are loading according to alfresco.log.  A Records Management folder was installed under Company Homes/Data Dictionary.  But I don't see a Records Management dashlet when I log in as admin to /share and click Customize Dashboard / Add Dashlet. 

Note: I previously copied the amps and install file to a local web server (toto).

I suspect the problem is AlfrescoRMCommunity-3.2r-Linux-x86-Install.  It runs very quickly and this is the full result:

This will install Alfresco Records Management Community on your computer.
Continue? [n/Y] Y

Where is your existing Alfresco server installed? [/opt/Alfresco]

Installing Alfresco Records Management Community…   Installing Program Files…

How can I check to see if it installed anything?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

share.war is not updated by the apply_amps script. See: (Just filed).

You can use something like this script. (It worked for me).

Good luck!


# ——-
# Script for apply AMPs to installed WAR
# ——-
export CATALINA_HOME=tomcat
echo "This script will apply the alfresco-dod5015-unsupported.amp AMP in ./amps to the alfresco.war file in $CATALINA_HOME\webapps"
echo "Press control-c to stop this script . . ."
echo "Press any other key to continue . . ."
read RESP
java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ./amps/alfresco-dod5015-unsupported.amp $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/alfresco.war
java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar list $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/alfresco.war
echo "About to clean out tomcat/webapps/alfresco directory and temporary files…"
echo "Press control-c to stop this script . . ."
echo "Press any other key to continue . . ."
read DUMMY
rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/alfresco
echo "This script will apply the alfresco-dod5015-share-unsupported.amp AMP in ./amps to the share.war file in $CATALINA_HOME\webapps"
echo "Press control-c to stop this script . . ."
echo "Press any other key to continue . . ."
read RESP
java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ./amps/alfresco-dod5015-share-unsupported.amp $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/share.war -force -verbose
java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar list $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/share.war
echo "About to clean out tomcat/webapps/share directory and temporary files…"
echo "Press control-c to stop this script . . ."
echo "Press any other key to continue . . ."
read DUMMY
rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/share
sh ./bin/

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you.  That is just what I needed.  I figured out that AlfrescoRMCommunity-3.2r-Linux-x86-Install puts the dod records management amps in /opt/Alfresco/rm, so I created a script named following your example, except that I expected the RM amps to be in the ./rm directory.   That way I can continue to add other amps in the ./amps directory and use to add them to alfresco.war.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Windows version:
@echo off
rem ——-
rem Script for apply AMPs to installed WAR
rem ——-

set ALF_HOME=%~dp0

if not exist "%ALF_HOME%SetPaths.bat" goto getpaths
call "%ALF_HOME%SetPaths.bat"
goto start

call "%ALF_HOME%bin\RegPaths.exe"
call "%ALF_HOME%SetPaths.bat"
del "%ALF_HOME%SetPaths.bat"

echo This script will apply all the AMPs in %ALF_HOME%amps to the alfresco.war file in %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps
if ""%1"" == ""nowait"" goto nowait1
echo Press control-c to stop this script . . .
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -jar "%ALF_HOME%bin\alfresco-mmt.jar" install "%ALF_HOME%amps\alfresco-dod5015-unsupported.amp" "%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\alfresco.war"
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -jar "%ALF_HOME%bin\alfresco-mmt.jar" list "%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\alfresco.war"
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -jar "%ALF_HOME%bin\alfresco-mmt.jar" install "%ALF_HOME%amps\alfresco-dod5015-share-unsupported.amp" "%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\share.war" -force -verbose
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -jar "%ALF_HOME%bin\alfresco-mmt.jar" list "%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\share.war"
echo .
echo About to clean out tomcat/webapps/alfresco directory and temporary files…
if ""%1"" == ""nowait"" goto nowait2
rmdir /S /Q "%CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\alfresco"
call "%ALF_HOME%bin\clean_tomcat.bat"