I don't think which the error of the workflow is caused by the SLF4JLogFactory. I believe the error is about a variable in a script task. The console log shows:
2015-03-17 19:21:06,735 WARN [bpmn.behavior.ScriptTaskActivityBehavior] [http
-bio-8080-exec-1] Exception while executing scripttask1 : couldn't find a variab
le type that is able to serialize [object global]
2015-03-17 19:21:06,735 DEBUG [repo.jscript.ScriptLogger] [http-bio-8080-exec-
1] org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowException: 02170032 No se pudo inic
iar el flujo de trabajo activiti$exPostAD:1:904.
Check if the "script task" is getting the value of a variable correctly.