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How to set meeting

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'd like to give, the alfresco client user, the ability to set meetings to other users (for instance for
document approval).
There is already the mail functionnality integrated in Alfresco, but I'd like add this functionnality.

Is it possible ? If it is, how is it ?

More generally, which solution do you suggest to set meeting with alfresco  ?

Thank you for your help.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello Stephane,
do you mean "set a deadline, until which to approve or reject", "plan a meeting in order to discuss the document together" or "make an entry in their calendar / tasklist in outlook/notes/whatsoever to remind them" ?

Regards, Norgan

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello Norgan,

I mean  "plan a meeting in order to discuss the document together" and
"make an entry in their calendar / tasklist in outlook/notes/whatsoever to remind them" ?

Do you have any idea to do such things ?



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Stephane,
i think I read something about a london county having done that with javascript. They wanted to give the calendar to the public. I dont know, though, if this is the calendar code in the share plattform. [Any comments on that ? Anybody ? Anybody ? Bueller ? …]

Either way, with a single alfresco, I would choose the same approach :
* Custom space/type  "groupcalendar
* Content type "event"
* Webscripting or Javascript for the GUI
* A "Meeting" Workflow as a Task with multiple tokens (1 per attendee), who can each choose for accepting or rejecting an invitation and the workflow beeing "done", when the event is closed by the inviting party.

For bigger installations, I would prefer something like an integration into exchange, notes, zimba or scalix as a calendar-server. Otherwise, you would have to reinvent a complete group calendaring function *shudder* and with heavy load, a best-of-breed approach is always my favourite.

Regards, Norgan

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Norgan ,

Thank you for your answer.

For bigger installations, I would prefer something like an integration into exchange, notes, zimba or scalix as a calendar-server. Otherwise, you would have to reinvent a complete group calendaring function *shudder* and with heavy load, a best-of-breed approach is always my favourite.
Regards, Norgan

So, how alfresco can be integrated to calendar servers ?
Do you have any tutorial about this ?



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Stephane,
no I have not done such an integration yet. But as first approach, I would start out with mailing vcard invitations to all invited members, using the "send from" address from the originator.

This would at least leave replyhandling and rechecking of timeslots to the actual mailclient. Will only work with external mailadresses, if you are allowed to relay mail via a server, who is "known" as trusted server for the senderdomain (Reverse Lookup to protect from spammers etc)

Some nifty features would require more work.
* live timeslot checking bevor the mail is sent
* replyhandling by alfresco server
* resource account "alfresco" on the mailserver
* Dashlet integration of mail server via Web interface for intranet users

🙂 Have fun