I created a space named "MyBooks"
then I created a costum content-typeadding it definition in file
below the snippest of customModel.xml
<type name="custom:MyBook">
<title>My Books</title>
<property name="custom:myBookTitle">
<property name="custom:myBookNumPages">
<title>Page number</title>
<property name="custom:myBookBuyDate">
<title>Buy date</title>
…. and so on…
then I customized web-client-config-custom.xml file…
all things works fine!
Now, I would like to add this feature: :idea:
When I upload a new document in space "MyBooks"
the Alfresco wizzard GUI select as default in the contet-type drop-down-list
the value "Content".
Indeed, I would like to show in the drop-down-list as default value the name of the space, that is "MyBooks" and not "Content"
Anyone could help me please?