01-16-2013 11:57 PM
1. downloaded the module (alfresco-community-wcmqs-4.2.c.zip)
2. unzip downloaded module
3. stop Alfresco server
4. move amp file into $ALF_HOME/apps/alfresco/amps
5. move amp file for share into $ALF_HOME/apps/alfresco/amps_share
6. run sh ./apply_amps.sh (it's located in $ALF_HOME/apps/alfresco/)
7. remove deployed packages/clear apache temp files with sh ./clean_tomcat.sh (it's located in $ALF_HOME/apps/alfresco/)
8. start Alfresco server
HTTP Status 404 - /share
type Status report
message /share
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.34
01-17-2013 12:09 AM
01-17-2013 04:07 AM
01-17-2013 04:14 AM
01-18-2013 12:51 AM
01-18-2013 06:18 AM
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/bitnami/apache-tomcat/webapps/share.war (Permission denied)
01-18-2013 11:16 AM
01-20-2013 09:27 PM
01-22-2013 09:37 PM
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