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How to manually install modules?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello Community!

I'm having troubles installing modules in Alfresco manually. I'm running Alfresco 4.2.c-1 on Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit). The problem is the same with different mdules, so I guess it's a general installation problem. I'll explain my steps during the installation of the Web Quick Start module:

1. downloaded the module (
2. unzip downloaded module
3. stop Alfresco server
4. move amp file into $ALF_HOME/apps/alfresco/amps
5. move amp file for share into $ALF_HOME/apps/alfresco/amps_share
6. run sh ./ (it's located in $ALF_HOME/apps/alfresco/)
7. remove deployed packages/clear apache temp files with sh ./ (it's located in $ALF_HOME/apps/alfresco/)
8. start Alfresco server

Now Alfresco Share and Alfresco Explorer aren't reachable anymore. I'm getting the following error:
HTTP Status 404 - /share
type Status report
message /share
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.34

What am I doing wrong? Looking forward to your help!


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
there is a file named as catalina.out in …./tomcat/logs directory
You can check there, messages wil be coming there on what had happened to the system

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks for your fast reply!

It looks like the script has no permission to edit the alfresco.war and share.war files. I restored them earlier and I think the restored files don't have the permissions set like ethey had originally. That's the first problem with this installation (maybe there is more - like I said - I restored the backups earlier). Could someone please tell me the permissions for these two files so I can adjust them and try again? Right now they are:
  • owner = read & write
  • group = /
  • other = /

  • The automatic backup files have the following permissions:
  • owner = read & write
  • group = read
  • other = read

  • Regards

    Champ on-the-rise
    Champ on-the-rise
    *.war files gets expanded or restored or deployed  when the application server is started.
    In your case the application server is tomcat, when u start alfresco tomcat start and it takes the *.war files, you dont need to do anything for
    As advised earlier did you check what is happening in your log file, ie catalina.out
    Please post your contents in catalina.out [ post the error part only]

    Note:- If my posting was usefull for you, please rate me. It encourages me

    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making

    Okay, I got the log file from yesterday. And now I'm confused. Yesterday I found stuff like permission denied for share.war - that's why I asked for the permission settings. Now I can't find it anymore?!  :shock:

    This is the link to the log file:

    Sorry, I wanted to point out the part that encouraged me to look into the permissions…  :cry:

    Does this help anyway? This huge log file is kind of confusing to me…  :roll:
    I'm really sorry for the trouble and looking forward to your help!  Smiley Happy


    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making
    Surprisingly it works much better with the right log file…  Smiley Surprisedops:

    Log file from yesterday:
    Log file from today:

    The log entry from yesterday, which I tried to find in the previous post: /opt/bitnami/apache-tomcat/webapps/share.war (Permission denied)

    And today I tried the installation again. The apply_amps script applied the already existing google docs amp inside the amps folder but ignored the amp for the Web Quick Start?! What's happening there?


    Champ on-the-rise
    Champ on-the-rise
    Which OS are u using
    If you are using LINUX, see the directory permission. are u running it with an another user than the user which copied the file
    Please check

    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making

    I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit). I hope it's an ownership/permission-problem. The strange thing is, that the accepted googledocs amp-file has the same permissions and the same owner as the Web Quick Start amp.
    I made a PDF to show the exact permissions and ownerships. I hope it helps! Here is the download link:


    edit: user bitnami belongs to group bitnami
    edit2: So in my oppinion it should work if I run the apply_amps script with the bitnami user, because I have the needed permissions (for read and write) or am I wrong? =/

    Champ in-the-making
    Champ in-the-making

    Glad to see the forum up and running again!

    I have some news: The installation worked! I'm not sure what the exact problem was in the end.
    I changed the permissions for the amp files to 755 and used the as sudo.

    Now I'm having troubles with linking the quick web start site correctly (the host configuration doesn't work like I think it should). But I'll open a new thread for that issue to make it easier to follow.

    Thanks a lot!
