07-30-2007 11:04 AM
11-06-2007 11:20 AM
<bean id="extracter.Office" class="org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata.OfficeMetadataExtracter" parent="baseMetadataExtracter" />
I don't want to override this, so much as have it do what it is supposed to do. It seems (and please let me know if I am incorrect), that by having the OfficeMetadataExtracter bean in the content-services-context.xml file, the bean should populate creationDate, creator, description, and title by default (according the the Metadata Extractor wiki). So why when I import files into alfresco is the creation date set at the date/time of upload, instead of the actual file creation date?11-06-2007 11:24 AM
11-06-2007 11:31 AM
11-07-2007 04:36 AM
I don't want to override this, so much as have it do what it is supposed to doIt does what it is meant to according to many other people. If you need it to behave differently, modify the config.
Has there been any progress with this issue?No, because the progress needs to be in your config files.
I just want them to work with their default mappings!They do work - they've been working for ages. What you need is for the behaviour to match your requirements. If enough of our customers request different default behaviour then we will gladly change it. Ofcourse, we can't please everyone which is why it is configurable. It wasn't always configurable - not too long ago you would have had to write your own implementation of the extractors.
11-07-2007 12:22 PM
What you need is for the behaviour to match your requirements.Correct. That is where the problem lies.
By default, the extractor will not overwrite any properties already present in the document's metadata, but this can be changed by overriding the extractor's bean definition.
The Javadocs for the extractor give the list (on the left) of values extracted from the document. All these extracted values are put into a map, ready for conversion to model-specific properties. By default, the following will be populated by the extractor:
creationDate: – cm:created
creator: – cm:author
description: – cm:description
title: – cm:title
11-07-2007 06:01 PM
the extractor will not overwrite any properties already present in the document's metadata
11-12-2007 09:42 AM
<bean class="org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata.OpenOfficeMetadataExtracter" parent="baseMetadataExtracter" init-method="init" >
<property name="overwitePolicy">
<property name="mappingProperties">
<prop key="namespace.prefix.cm">http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0</prop>
<prop key="creationDate">cm:created</prop>
<property name="connection">
<ref bean="openOfficeConnection" />
11-12-2007 09:46 AM
11-12-2007 10:53 AM
<bean class="org.alfresco.repo.content.metadata.OpenOfficeMetadataExtracter" parent="baseMetadataExtracter" init-method="init" >
<property name="inheritDefaultMapping">
<property name="overwritePolicy">
<property name="mappingProperties">
<prop key="namespace.prefix.cm">http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0</prop>
<prop key="creationDate">cm:created</prop>
<property name="connection">
<ref bean="openOfficeConnection" />
11-12-2007 02:34 PM
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