02-15-2014 11:10 AM
02-19-2014 01:46 AM
02-19-2014 03:27 AM
02-19-2014 04:32 AM
02-20-2014 12:33 AM
<!– Root nodeRef for top-level folder –>
<root-node>NodeRef of your repository folder which you want keep as startingpoint</root-node>
Additionally, the Share DocLib supports a few "virtual" nodeRefs, namely:
02-21-2014 07:44 AM
10-25-2016 03:38 AM
Can you explain little more detail .... am using alfresco community edition 5.1
am not able to find the fields on the file
10-25-2016 05:09 PM
I think that option is still there.
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="RepositoryLibrary">
Root nodeRef for top-level folder.
Modify above config based on your requirement and put it in share-config-custom.xml
11-05-2016 03:47 PM
Hey Mittal Patoliya
Usually what I do for cases like this is to use the Dynamic Extension Module to create a custom config and change the root-node.
The default share configuration is changed as you described, and then "normal" users wont see those folders, but I also have a custom module overriding that configuration for administrators, and only for them, I let the default root-node configured, and by doing so, they are allowed to navigate too those system folders.
11-09-2016 07:41 AM
Como acesso ou modifico o Módulo de Extensão Dinâmica?
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