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How to get control over repository

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Can anyone help me how to access data (retrieve) from the repository that is stored in a  .bin format with random numeral name.

I am using Alfresco to control my content. I want to access the data and publish it on my jsp, but couldnt find ways to access it either from database or the files.Please help me with the possible ways.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
There's lots of ways to access your content through various Alfresco APIs.   You shouldn't be trying to access the bin files directly.

You could read the content or properties and display it on your JSP.  
Or you could use a web script to stream the content.

Are you using WCM?   If so you can deploy your content.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Mrogers for the reply.

Yes, we are using WCM in community network edition. We got stuck up at this point and were not able to move forward. How do we deploy the content, I am new to Alfresco so can you explain it in detail.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
You can start here->

You will also find other information in these forums and on the wiki.  

I'd also recommend Jeff Pott's new book on Alfresco.   I have a copy on my desk and it looks good!