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How to enable Search in Alfresco Community 4?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi @all !

I am really new in Alfresco and therefore i am having problems with the searching function.

Alfresco Community 4
Alfresco Content Store is in MS SQL Server

I have many Sites where i have wikis in it and i am trying to search after some wiki Entries i made, but it looks like that the Search function is not enabled out of the box in Alfresco  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock: .

And i do not know which one to enable  Smiley Surprisedops:  Smiley Surprisedops:  Smiley Surprisedops:  Smiley Surprisedops: :
- Lucence
- solr

And how to enable them, nothing seems to work for me  Smiley Sad .

Is there a step by step instruction to enable search in Alfresco Community 4.
I allready wasted 4 days on that and am getting quite frustrated Smiley Sad

PLZZZZ can somebody help me out !!
THX in advance

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Search Functionality should work OOTB in all the version community and EE.
Why do you think it is not working?
Also by default any one one of the indexing is enabled.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

maybe i am doing something worng on searching ??
On the home page of alfresco i type in a text (in the search edit text field on the right corner) that i know it is part of a wiki page for expample i have a wiki page called "Beiträge WIKI" but i do not get any results.

also tried stuff like cm:name Beiträge WIKI …. no results.

am i doing something wrong ?


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
If you are trying from the search box you need not to have any query you can simply search for Beiträge  word

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, thx for your reply Smiley Happy

I also tried just typing the text, but no results.
For me it looks that searching is not enabled, or smething else Smiley Sad
Does the search function really work out of the box ?

I really need to come to a solution soon, because our wiki is getting bigger and you dont have chance to find anything without search Smiley Sad(

PLZ can somebody help me out

kr. Hans

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
enable lucene queries in since SolR has some problems on Alfresco Community 4.0.d
Perform also a full reindex in order to make indexes up-to-date.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi abarisone !

Thx for your fast reply Smiley Happy
i looked over my under (..\tomcat\shared\classes) but didnt find something with lucene

just found this (Do i have to but this –> # in front regarding to Solr when i want to use Lucene)

### Solr indexing ###

How do i enable that lucene, can u guide me a bit ?
Also do not know how to "Perform also a full reindex in order to make indexes up-to-date." Smiley Sad

Thx in advance Smiley Happy
kr Hans

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
first of all modify the section you found like this
### Solr/Lucene indexing ###
In order to perform a full reindex you have to
  • stop Alfresco

  • modify adding the property index.recovery.mode=FULL

  • restart Alfresco in order to let the index being rebuilt

  • stop Alfresco again

  • modify modifying the property index.recovery.mode=AUTO

  • start Alfresco
In this way the content you previously entered should become searchable.

Hope this helps.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Andrea,

i just found the same step by step u send me and it worked for me Smiley Happy))
Thx. for ur help and the tipp with "Solr has Problems with the Community Version"

What i did is exactly the same u mentioned before.
I commented (with #) the Solr code in the Properties File.

Steps i did:

- Stop Alfresco Tomcat Service

- change File like followed:

### Solr/Lucene indexing ###

- started Alfresco Tomcat Service. After starting Searching worked and then i removed the Solr Files and Folders like mentioned in this Link in Section 3 Point 7

- Then i put a # before index.recovery.mode=FULL

Thx a lot for your help Smiley Happy

Kr Hans