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[RESOL]Echec de la restauration de la BDD de Windows à Linux

Bonjour,J'ai effectué un dump de la BDD alfresco vers la BDD Linux, et je n'arrive plus à redémarrer Alfresco. Dans la log catalina j'ai l'erreur suivante : CompilerOracle: exclude org/apache/lucene/index/IndexReader$1.doBodyCompilerOracle: exclude o...

kimblue by Champ in-the-making
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Crear nuevo rol

Quiero crear un nuevo rol, con los mínimos permisos para el usuario. El usuario solo podrá ver o listar los espacios o carpertas que existen en el directorio raíz, pero no podrá ver los documentos que hay creados dentro de cada espacio. He estado mod...

vam by Champ in-the-making
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Documentos que no aparecen en las búsquedas

Buenas,Tengo un par de dudas sobre como utilizar el buscador de Alfresco:1.- Si hago una búsqueda entre comillas del tipo "erase una vez" para encontrar la frase exacta nunca que devuelve el resultado correcto. ¿Como se busca una frase?2.- Me da la i...

LDAP logging

Hi!I'm trying to setup our server against a LDAP-server. But something doesn't work. So I would like to crank up the number of logmessages. But I can't find out what logger add/change to be able to see what actually happens when a user tries to login...

buurd by Champ in-the-making
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Is it possible to hide content or space??

for examplewe have two spaces SPACE1 & SPACE2  andwe have two groups GROUP1 & GROUP2 so… is it possible GROUP1 can see only SPACE1 but SPACE2 will be hidden from it?

kyriakos by Champ in-the-making
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Word 2007 - Opening Document Issue

When I click on a Word doc in the explorer (doc or docx), the download starts and then I get a screen in word that is the Alfresco login page telling me that I need to enable cookies to view the document. This does not happen with any other docs or e...

beren by Champ in-the-making
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Reutilizar BBDD MySQL ya creada

Hola, Soy nueva en esto de  Alfresco y me gustaría empezar a utilizarlo, mi problema es que tengo una base de datos bastante grande y bien estructurada en mysql, la cuál me gustaría seguir usando tal y como está, ¿Esto es posible? o ¿tengo que crear ...

mpml by Champ in-the-making
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Error when i try delete user

HiI am trying to delete a user at administration consolebut see this error : [img][/img]No external authentication mechanism is used.Is there a way to view a list of objects assotiated with the...

aleks_sh by Champ in-the-making
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Thumbnail Preview Error

Hi,I have read a lot of topic but unfortunatly I haven't solved the problem.The problem is about a thumbnail preview on share application (like the first row of this picture):[img][/img...

How to have customized page for workflow tasks?

Hi friends,i just found these mystery words at :If the standard Manage Task Dialog is not sufficient it can be overridden based on the type of task.TODO: Provide an example of a custom dialog and h...