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how to do 2 way replication

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Currently I have 2 servers and I am replicating fine. I am in process of upgrading 4.2.c to 4.2.e. I would like to add a 3rd server and make them all replicate between each other. is this possible to do? Do i just add another line in

<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Replication">
         <!– To discover a Repository Id, browse to the remote server's CMIS landing
            page at: http://{server}:{port}/alfresco/service/cmis/index.html The Repository
            Id field is found under the "CMIS Repository Information" expandable panel.
            Example config entry: <share-url repositoryId="622f9533-2a1e-48fe-af4e-ee9e41667ea4">http://new-york-office:8080/share/</share-url>
            7a0d66fb-9891-4cd3-b63a-c161cfc64814 replication
            <share-url repositoryId="1b76e86b-1d37-43cf-bf5b-944db18fe18c"></share-url>
            <!– /opt/replication
            <share-url repositoryId="7a0d66fb-9891-4cd3-b63a-c161cfc64814"></share-url>

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
It will create problem for sure because during replication target repo will be in read only mode and ideally it should be in that mode unless required to access backup. Or it could create dead lock.
Ideal way is to manage master slave strategy where you will have one master server and one or multiple back server on which contents will be replicated so that those slave server will act as backup server.
Please feel free to correct me if I have missed any point as it's just my personal opinion.