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How to create CUSTOM workflow

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi guys.
Installed community edition of ALFRESCO.
We need to create a workflow of a business process:
WORKFLOW: An employee goes to a business trip

1. Employee must fill a data into a prepared TEMPLATE
QUESTION1: Here we got stucked on to how to prepare templates in ALFRESCO?

2. After employee fills all the data into this template he must sent this file to DEPARTMENT for costs review. This DEPARTMENT is in charge to make a brief evaluvation of costs so basically they will make additional document. At this point we have two documents, but only the second document (the costs preview) will now be sent to a 3rd person for approval or rejection.

The DEPARTMENT and the employee who started "the request" must be notified about the status of the document.

1st of all we got a little bit lost where to start from creating a custom workflow, how to create templates?
We found on internet that you can use "alfresco activiti-5.21.0" but that seems very complicated and on first looks you would need some xml, programming type of guy to deal with.
We don't even know how to make alfresco activiti connected with installed community edition of alresco.

What's the best way and the easiest way to achieve that?

with best regards

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Have a look at the Alfresco Developer Series tutorials, especially the one on creating custom Activiti workflows in Alfresco/Share

