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How make viewing of document faster in alfresco

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I would like to know if there is any way to make the viewing of files which have huge size faster in alfresco. For e.g. a file of 100 MB in alfresco it takes around 5 minutes to open up for one of our clients, probably their internet connection is slow, but it will be good if we can somehow optimize the viewing of file. Please let me know if any suggestion.


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
There are couple of factors which may affect the performance of viewing the files.
1. Network speed - Check the network speed, lower network speed can be a bottleneck. It needs to be resolved at the first.
2. Memory allocation/JVM tuning - Just ensure that memory allocation to the Alfresco server is as appropriate.
Another thing could be the transformation server, which may convert the file to the required format to view. Check the processing power of the transformation server.

Also, how are you viewing the files? Are you viewing the large files directly in browser? Aren't you downloading the large files? What happens if you try to access those files from CIFS/WebDAV? Is there a performance impact there as well?

Hope this helps.

Hi Ramesh,

Yes, their net speed is low(as I mentioned in the question itself). Other things are up-to mark.

Also, viewing is done in Alfresco. Haven't checked using CIFS/WebDAV.

The reason/idea behind my question was to know that if there is any config in Alfresco that enables large file to be displayed faster.


AFAIK, there isn't any such configuration for it.

Hope this helps.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

The solution will depend on your environment - and the outcome you are after

I have a couple of people who open large files to do 3d rendering.
We have used cmissync - to create a local "copy" of the file.
This allows local workstation performance - with the content in Alfresco.

cheers, Jon
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