06-12-2012 07:09 AM
06-12-2012 07:30 AM
<!– Config evaluator for MyCustomType –>
<config evaluator="node-type" condition="sc:mycustomtype">
<show id="cm:name" />
<show id="cm:title" />
<show id="cm:description" />
<!– Metadata for custom content type–>
<show id="sc:nameofpartyone"/>
<show id="sc:nameofpartytwo"/>
<show id="sc:nameofpartythree"/>
<show id="sc:project"/>
<show id="sc:purpose"/>
It worked for me
06-12-2012 08:29 AM
In my case , I wanted to view only Custom Type properties
I did as follow in the share-config-custom.xml
06-12-2012 08:52 AM
06-12-2012 09:33 AM
06-12-2012 11:40 AM
Yes , it has cm has parent
06-12-2012 10:38 PM
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