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google docs?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I was under the understanding that the latest builds of 3.3 support editing of documents on-line with google docs.  Is there something I have to configure to be able to say directly edit a word doc thru Share?



Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Update to the latest HEAD build.

Add this to your alfresco-global properties:

# GoogleDocs configuration

obviously change your username and password above to your google account ones.

and in share-config-custom.xml your need to add the following aspect …

            <aspect name="gd:googleEditable" />

and enable google docs also in that config:

            Enable/disable the Google Docs UI integration (Extra types on Create Content menu, Google Docs actions).



Star Contributor
Star Contributor

since there is a global login for the google docs integration, this implies all users check out and edit using the same google docs account.
So UserA checks out document A, UserB checks out document B. But UserB is logged in to the same account, and can therefor browse and see all other checked out documents, and potentially edit them?

I may be thinking google docs as I am used to work with it, login via web client. But this is by some google api, and bringing up the editor for the common account doesn't log you in to the google document list/browser?

There is no way to set individual google docs accounts?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The global login is for the service's use only (the Repository) and should be known only to the Alfresco administrator.

When a document is uploaded, the service works out who should have read and/or write permission based on the Alfresco permission model and then invites them to that uploaded document (using the new Google account field in the user object) via the Google APIs. When an individual follows a link to the document, they log-in using that Google account and then have the correct access to that document and any others the service has invited them to.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Update to the latest HEAD build.

Add this to your alfresco-global properties:

# GoogleDocs configuration

obviously change your username and password above to your google account ones.

and in share-config-custom.xml your need to add the following aspect …

            <aspect name="gd:googleEditable" />

and enable google docs also in that config:

            Enable/disable the Google Docs UI integration (Extra types on Create Content menu, Google Docs actions).



I added the first part to my global file, the other two seem already set in the default share-config.xml.  So now that I'm running, now what?  How does this functionality present itself?



Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Go into a Site's document library (share interface) and create a new document… you should be able to pick TXT, HTML, XML, or a GoogleDoc.  It creates an empty file, really just a placeholder (name, title, description), and once that is done, there is a "checkout to Google Docs for editing" on the right-hand side (in the document's preview page).  It checks it out, and then allows you to edit using Googledocs.  Checkin is the reverse (and preview was immediately updated).

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Great feature, we use zoho now.
can you tell mi is this feature of google's coasts money if yes how much ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
For me when I follow the steps it mentions the doc is being checked out to Google Docs and after a while nothing happens and nothing is in google docs physically.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Things may have changed since the nightly-build when I tried this, but - and this is not likely the 'best way' to do it - I edited the:
tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/subsystems/googledocs/default/ and edited a few of the fields…

# Enables google editable functionality

# System google docs authentication credentials

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I basically did that as I followed the first part of kevin's post.  Does it launch google docs in a new browser, or in share physically?  Or just save the doc to google docs and you manually go there to edit the doc?  Not I have a proxy server between me and the internet so not sure if that's  factor although there are no errors in the catalina.out logs.  Not sure if there are some settings for log4j that are more verbos for Google.