08-23-2007 03:12 AM
// define which part of the Repository to export
Location location = new Location(new StoreRef("workspace", "SpacesStore");
ExporterCrawlerParameters parameters = new ExporterCrawlerParameters();
// setup an ACP Package Handler to export to an ACP file format
ExportPackageHandler handler = new ACPExportPackageHandler(…);
// now export (note: we're not interested in progress in the example)
exporter.exportView(handler, parameters, null);
09-10-2007 07:08 AM
. The parameters to the constructor inform the exporter where to place the exported contents.02-18-2008 04:24 PM
04-22-2009 07:36 AM
ExporterService exporterService = getRepositoryImpl().getServiceRegistry().getExporterService();
But how do i get the RepositoryImpl ? I have just a WebServiceFactory…ExporterService exporter = getServiceRegistry().getExporterService();
Same question… how do i get a ServiceRegistry ??05-26-2009 01:46 PM
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