09-17-2014 08:09 AM
500 Description: An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Message: Wrapped Exception (with status template): 'Error on line 26, column 31 in nodeAct.get.html.ftl Expecting a string, date or number here, Expression uname is instead a freemarker.template.SimpleHash'.
Exception: freemarker.core.NonStringException - Error on line 26, column 31 in nodeAct.get.html.ftl Expecting a string, date or number here, Expression uname is instead a freemarker.template.SimpleHash
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery.support.cors = true;
var urlTicket = "${url.serviceContext}/api/login?u=${user}&pw=${pass}";
var ticket = "";
var request = $.get(urlTicket, function(data,status){
ticket = data.toString().substring(48,95);
//window.location.href = "${url.serviceContext}/doAct?nId=${nId}${arguments}&alf_ticket="+ticket;
request.error(function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
if (textStatus == 'error'){
status.code = 403;
status.message = "User not found.";
status.redirect = true;
<title>Doing actions</title>
<div id="error-box" >
<br />
<br /><td>nombre= ${uname}</td>
<br /><td>nombre= ${uname}</td>
var s = new XML(config.script);
model.uname =s.nodeAct.nombre;
09-18-2014 03:11 AM
09-18-2014 04:21 AM
09-18-2014 06:07 AM
09-18-2014 08:23 AM
09-19-2014 08:38 AM
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