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Forum Posts

JBoss Portal + Alfresco - automatic SignOn+bug (part.fixed)

Hey,This time I'm not going to ask, I'm going to give out something i did Please note that for now (8 Sep 2007) you have to make a small modification to alfresco source code. It's described on the end of this post.This is a recipe on how to realise s...

szimano by Champ in-the-making
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Extension firefox

Bonjour,J'ai installé alfresco 2.9B, je me bat avec CIFS qui commence a marcher sous IE.Je désirs utiliser l'extension pour firefox, j'ai récupéré la 0.91.Mais je ne sais quoi mettre dans les options "Explorer location"Quelqu'un peut m'aider svp.

hlander10 by Champ in-the-making
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CIFS slowdown when alf_data mounted from another server

we have experienced a BIG slowdown of CIFS when mounting alf_data to other server. It drooped down from 5000 kb/s to 20-420 kb/s. We have tried to move lucene tables to local disk. but no help.Anybody has an idea?Slackware 12alfresco 2.9Cclient: win ...

dmatejka by Champ in-the-making
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homeFolderProvider when using LDAP

Hi,I want to use LDAP authentication in alfresco 2.1. While the authentication itself is working good, howerver, I can't have homeFolderProvider working like what I want. Indeed, when a new user log in to alfresco, its Home Space is "Company Home/log...

asyd by Champ in-the-making
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Access to a node (file)

I'm developing a Custom Action and I need help about how I can access a file in Alfresco from Java code. I need access the file for send the full-path to another Java application that need it for process. I found the bin path but I need the path of w...

ruizja by Champ in-the-making
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Erreur 'Servlet.service()' pour la servlet Faces Servlet

Bonjour,Je travaille avec le SDK, mysql, eclipse…Après avoir modifié mon fichier contentModel.xmlpour rajouter :         <mandatory-aspects>           <aspect>cm:versionable</aspect>        </mandatory-aspects>‍‍‍à cm:contentpour rendre le versioning...

milona by Champ in-the-making
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module doesn't work? says:As of Alfresco version 2.2, each module can have its own file, which is placed in the same directory as The collection of log4j.prop...

jharrop by Champ in-the-making
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Configuring Dynamic Models in 2.9 'per Tenant'

Good afternoon allI have been trying this Dynamic Model feature of the 2.9C Alfresco version and as far as I have tried works fine.I am able to change my Model configuration without restarting the Alfresco Server application. However reading th docum...

jlabuelo by Champ on-the-rise
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Help needed with javascript : permission denied = ?

Hello,I already posted this in the developper forum, but nobody could help me. Maybe that was not the right place, so i try in this forum.I am trying to make a dynamic notification script : it sends an email on content creartion to users who have rea...

aurelien2 by Champ in-the-making
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