I'm trying to configure email on the Activiti enterprise and I've the following defined under activiti-app.properties,but once it try to send mail I'm getting following exception.Can any body advise on this?
[activiti-app-rest-Executor-1] ERROR com.activiti.service.common.EmailService - Error while sending mail about a created task (15006) Mail server connection failed; nested exception is com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: C ouldn't connect to host, port: smtp.mail.yahoo.com, 587; timeout -1; nested exception is: java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect. Failed messages: c om.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: smtp.mail .yahoo.com, 587; timeout -1; nested exception is: java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: connect