I used taskListener to set due date such as below,
<activiti:taskListener event="create" expression="${execution.setDueDate('dueDate',${date1})}"></activiti:taskListener>
1) I have send 2 parameter named date1 and daysTarget so that my dueDate should be date1+daysTarget. Let say,
date1 value is 21/11/2012
daysTarget value is 5
So my dueDate should be 26/11/2012.
I try this <activiti:taskListener event="create" expression="${execution.setDueDate('dueDate',${date1}+${daysTarget})}"></activiti:taskListener> but i got error and i think i'm not doing it right.
Do you have any idea?
2) Is it possible if i want to use current date (or maybe create_time_ value in ACT_RU_TASK) as a value of date1 to set the dueDate. I don't have any idea on how implement it.
I really hope if someone can help me as i have been thinking for this solution nearly a week. I have refer to activiti user guide and google but still don't find answer for it. Furthermore i'm not really good in java. Your help is very much appreciated. Thanks.