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Creating REST API

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'am trying to fetch the task details with the state as completed without the workflow id but it's not working in this code.

protected Map<String, Object> buildModel(WorkflowModelBuilder modelBuilder, WebScriptRequest req, Status status, Cache cache)
Map<String, String> params = req.getServiceMatch().getTemplateVars();
Map<String, Object> filters = new HashMap<String, Object>(4);

// authority is not included into filters list as it will be taken into account before filtering
String authority = getAuthority(req);

// state is also not included into filters list, for the same reason
WorkflowTaskState state = getState(req);

// look for a workflow instance id
String workflowInstanceId = params.get(VAR_WORKFLOW_INSTANCE_ID);

// determine if pooledTasks should be included, when appropriate i.e. when an authority is supplied
Boolean pooledTasksOnly = getPooledTasks(req);

// get list of properties to include in the response
List<String> properties = getProperties(req);

// get filter param values
filters.put(PARAM_PRIORITY, req.getParameter(PARAM_PRIORITY));
filters.put(PARAM_PROPERTY, req.getParameter(PARAM_PROPERTY));
processDateFilter(req, PARAM_DUE_BEFORE, filters);
processDateFilter(req, PARAM_DUE_AFTER, filters);

String excludeParam = req.getParameter(PARAM_EXCLUDE);
if (excludeParam != null && excludeParam.length() > 0)
filters.put(PARAM_EXCLUDE, new ExcludeFilter(excludeParam));

List<WorkflowTask> allTasks;

if (workflowInstanceId != null)
// a workflow instance id was provided so query for tasks
WorkflowTaskQuery taskQuery = new WorkflowTaskQuery();
taskQuery.setOrderBy(new OrderBy[]{OrderBy.TaskDue_Asc});

if (authority != null)

allTasks = workflowService.queryTasks(taskQuery);
// default task state to IN_PROGRESS if not supplied

if (state == null)
state = WorkflowTaskState.IN_PROGRESS;

// no workflow instance id is present so get all tasks
if (authority != null)
List<WorkflowTask> tasks = workflowService.getAssignedTasks(authority, state, true);
List<WorkflowTask> pooledTasks = workflowService.getPooledTasks(authority, true);
if (pooledTasksOnly != null)
if (pooledTasksOnly.booleanValue())
// only return pooled tasks the user can claim
allTasks = new ArrayList<WorkflowTask>(pooledTasks.size());
// only return tasks assigned to the user
allTasks = new ArrayList<WorkflowTask>(tasks.size());
// include both assigned and unassigned tasks
allTasks = new ArrayList<WorkflowTask>(tasks.size() + pooledTasks.size());

// sort tasks by due date
Collections.sort(allTasks, taskComparator);
// authority was not provided -> return all active tasks in the system
WorkflowTaskQuery taskQuery = new WorkflowTaskQuery();
taskQuery.setOrderBy(new OrderBy[] { OrderBy.TaskDue_Asc });
allTasks = workflowService.queryTasks(taskQuery);

int maxItems = getIntParameter(req, PARAM_MAX_ITEMS, DEFAULT_MAX_ITEMS);
int skipCount = getIntParameter(req, PARAM_SKIP_COUNT, DEFAULT_SKIP_COUNT);
int totalCount = 0;
ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> results = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();

// Filter results
for (WorkflowTask task : allTasks)
if (matches(task, filters))
// Total-count needs to be based on matching tasks only, so we can't just use allTasks.size() for this
if(totalCount > skipCount && (maxItems < 0 || maxItems > results.size()))
// Only build the actual detail if it's in the range of items we need. This will
// drastically improve performance over paging after building the model
results.add(modelBuilder.buildSimple(task, properties));

Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put("taskInstances", results);

if (maxItems != DEFAULT_MAX_ITEMS || skipCount != DEFAULT_SKIP_COUNT)
// maxItems or skipCount parameter was provided so we need to include paging into response
model.put("paging", ModelUtil.buildPaging(totalCount, maxItems == DEFAULT_MAX_ITEMS ? totalCount : maxItems, skipCount));

// create and return results, paginated if necessary
return model;

* Retrieves the list of property names to include in the response.
* @param req The WebScript request
* @return List of property names
private List<String> getProperties(WebScriptRequest req)
String propertiesStr = req.getParameter(PARAM_PROPERTIES);
if (propertiesStr != null)
return Arrays.asList(propertiesStr.split(","));
return null;

* Retrieves the pooledTasks parameter.
* @param req The WebScript request
* @return null if not present, Boolean object otherwise
private Boolean getPooledTasks(WebScriptRequest req)
Boolean result = null;
String includePooledTasks = req.getParameter(PARAM_POOLED_TASKS);

if (includePooledTasks != null)
result = Boolean.valueOf(includePooledTasks);

return result;

* Gets the specified {@link WorkflowTaskState}, null if not requested
* @param req WebScriptRequest
* @return WorkflowTaskState
private WorkflowTaskState getState(WebScriptRequest req)
String stateName = req.getParameter(PARAM_STATE);
if (stateName != null)
return WorkflowTaskState.valueOf(stateName.toUpperCase());
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
String msg = "Unrecognised State parameter: " + stateName;
throw new WebScriptException(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msg);

return null;

* Returns the specified authority. If no authority is specified then returns the current Fully Authenticated user.
* @param req WebScriptRequest
* @return String
private String getAuthority(WebScriptRequest req)
String authority = req.getParameter(PARAM_AUTHORITY);
if (authority == null || authority.length() == 0)
authority = null;
return authority;

* Determine if the given task should be included in the response.
* @param task The task to check
* @param filters The list of filters the task must match to be included
* @return true if the task matches and should therefore be returned
private boolean matches(WorkflowTask task, Map<String, Object> filters)
// by default we assume that workflow task should be included
boolean result = true;

for (String key : filters.keySet())
Object filterValue = filters.get(key);

// skip null filters (null value means that filter was not specified)
if (filterValue != null)
if (key.equals(PARAM_EXCLUDE))
ExcludeFilter excludeFilter = (ExcludeFilter)filterValue;
String type = task.getDefinition().getMetadata().getName().toPrefixString(this.namespaceService);
if (excludeFilter.isMatch(type))
result = false;
else if (key.equals(PARAM_DUE_BEFORE))
Date dueDate = (Date)task.getProperties().get(WorkflowModel.PROP_DUE_DATE);

if (!isDateMatchForFilter(dueDate, filterValue, true))
result = false;
else if (key.equals(PARAM_DUE_AFTER))
Date dueDate = (Date)task.getProperties().get(WorkflowModel.PROP_DUE_DATE);

if (!isDateMatchForFilter(dueDate, filterValue, false))
result = false;
else if (key.equals(PARAM_PRIORITY))
if (!filterValue.equals(task.getProperties().get(WorkflowModel.PROP_PRIORITY).toString()))
result = false;
else if(key.equals(PARAM_PROPERTY))
int propQNameEnd = filterValue.toString().indexOf('/');
if (propQNameEnd < 1)
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring invalid property filter:" + filterValue.toString());
String propValue = filterValue.toString().substring(propQNameEnd + 1);
if (propValue.isEmpty())
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring empty property value filter [" + propValue + "]");
String propQNameStr = filterValue.toString().substring(0, propQNameEnd);
QName propertyQName;
propertyQName = QName.createQName(propQNameStr, namespaceService);
catch (Exception ex)
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Ignoring invalid QName property filter [" + propQNameStr + "]");
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Filtering with property [" + propertyQName.toPrefixString(namespaceService) + "=" + propValue + "]");
Serializable value = task.getProperties().get(propertyQName);
if (value != null && !value.equals(propValue))
result = false;

return result;

* Comparator to sort workflow tasks by due date in ascending order.
class WorkflowTaskDueAscComparator implements Comparator<WorkflowTask>
public int compare(WorkflowTask o1, WorkflowTask o2)
Date date1 = (Date)o1.getProperties().get(WorkflowModel.PROP_DUE_DATE);
Date date2 = (Date)o2.getProperties().get(WorkflowModel.PROP_DUE_DATE);

long time1 = date1 == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : date1.getTime();
long time2 = date2 == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : date2.getTime();

long result = time1 - time2;

return (result > 0) ? 1 : (result < 0 ? -1 : 0);


Please help me with the solution. Thank you!


World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

Hi @Tabu 

Have you looked at the task history service? See here too.


Digital Community Manager, Alfresco Software.
Problem solved? Click Accept as Solution!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Thank you for providing the help. But i want to fetch all the completed tasks of all the users without providing any workflow or process instance id.

Please do help me with the code.