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Documentation for community edition

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I would like to assist in preparing user document and help for the community edition.

While I'm not a professional technical communicator, I have written user guides/documentation as part of my job and it is something I am very interested in.  I am a member of, use AuthorIT (a single source documentation tool), and have been trained (and use) Information Mapping techniques.  I am also responsible for information management in the area I work for (document management/records management/web content).

What is the best way I can contribute?  For example start a forge project or update the wiki?

I have nearly finished preparing a draft documentation plan that I am happy to share in the next few days if there is any interest in people commenting on it.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
What a great offer. Thank you!

I am assuming that you have seen our draft documentation (currently being finalised) that can be requested here:

We are always happy to have people review our documentation and let us know what we can do better.

There are areas that have not yet been documented, and we welcome contributions to fill those gaps. Comparing our documentation plans would help to find areas where there are no overlaps.

I am setting up a space in one of our Alfresco installations for translations of the documentation. Perhaps we could use this for documentation development too?

Best Regards,
