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DNS name in Web Projects - Bug Report

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

DNS name in Web Project (Alfresco WCM) must be only lowercase letters (no numbers, no uppercase letters, etc.), such as "wcmtraining". DNS name will become "AVM Store Root".

By this, the function "Preview Website" will work properly.

Otherwise, we will have an error for "Preview Website"

Bad host name:     wcmtraining.www–

with DNS name "WCMraining".

Hi Jonas,

Thanks for raising this. I have logged as issue: WCM-744.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I've just re-tested upper case & numerical dns names.
They work just fine, so I'm not sure i understand the problem you're having.
The one thing I can think of is that previous versions disallowed
1-char names… but now that's been relaxed.

In any event, I'll close this bug

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
This bug is for Alfresco WCM 2.1. For version 2.0, it works well.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I just tested in WCM 2.1, and it works fine for me.
Can you tell me the exact values you used?

- Jon

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Use case:

First create web project, then input DNS name as "WCMraining".

After setup Web Project (bulk import web pages), press "Preview Website".

We will get

Bad host name: wcmtraining.www–

since the actual web project DNS name is "WCMraining", not "wcmtraining".

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
There is no special case in the code that transforms "WCMraining" into "wcmtraining".
DNS names are taken literally (though most browsers force them into lower case).
There is no spell-checking in DNS names at all. 

To verify your  exact test case, I just cut/pasted your example to
ensure accuracy; the virt server has no problem with the DNS name
"WCMraining" (sic.).  When I upload alfresco-sample-website.war
into a  sandbox for user "alice"  and click on the eyeball icon
corresponding alice's sandbox, the URL I get is:
The page is rendered correctly.

Note:  my virtualization domain is
because my virt server is at the IP address within my LAN.

If the uploaded webapp in Alice's sandbox isn't submitted,
and the project is brand-new, then there won't be any
"welcome" file for the top-level dir  (e.g.:  index.jsp, index.html,
index.htm), so you should see a 404.    However, once alice does
submit the webapp she's uploaded (and it's approved), then
the following URL (which is associated with the staging area of
the "WCMraining" project will show you the same contents.  The
staging url will look like this:

Please verify your configuration, and re-check your uploaded contents.
The virt server + webapp are behaving correctly using the DNS name
you have provided.

   I hope this helps,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Jon,

Considering the following use case (Alfresco ECM / WCM 2.1):

By admin/admin,

1. create new web project "WCMraining";

2. inputs
Name: WCMraining
DNS name: WCMraining   (be aware of uppercase letters)
… …

3. bulk import: alfresco-sample-website.war

4. Then navigate to web poject "WCMraining"
and press "Preview Website ".

Error message should come:

Virtual website not found

    Bad host name:     wcmraining.www–

That is, DNS name in Web Project (Alfresco WCM) must be only lowercase letters (no numbers, no uppercase letters, etc.), such as "wcmtraining".

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I have tested caps & numbers on both XP and Linux clients & servers
in each permutation, and do not see the error you are reporting.
There must be some other undisclosed difference in our setups.

I could not parse the following sentence:

DNS name in Web Project (Alfresco WCM) must be only lowercase
letters (no numbers, no uppercase letters, etc.), such as "wcmtraining".
DNS name will become "AVM Store Root".

Let's be totally explicit, and see if we can get to the bottom of this.

I've enumerated each step I followed (with independent variations
8(a) and 8(b)), and in all cases obtained a successful result.
I'd like you to repeat these steps exactly, to establish a common baseline.

0.   My virtualization domain is
      but this is of no consequence.   I've tried doing everything on one
      box too ( ) and that works fine as well.

1.   Web Projects >  Create >  Create Web Project

2.   Within the "Create Web Project Wizard":
       Name         =  WCMraining
       DNS name  =  WCMraining
       Title           =  WCMraining
       Description =  WCMraining

3.   Didn't bother setting up any web content forms

4.   Didn't bother setting up any workflows

5.   Didn't bother adding any users

6.   Didn't send any email

7.   Clicked Finish

8(a)   Did build inport of alfresco-sample-website.war into the 'admin'
         sandbox.  A local V2.1 E build was used;  the source of the file is:

8(b)   In a separate & totally independent  clean-slate test
         rather than doing a bulk import, I did an inport of a
         single file (index.html)  into the root of my webapp;
         the results are the same as with with 8(a).   The total
         independence of 8(a) and 8(b) was enforced by removing
         the alfresco database & backing store, then re-creating the
         database and running through all steps again, but substituting
         step 8(b) for 8(a).   The contents of the individually imported
         file (index.html)  was  "hi".

9.      Regardless of whether 8(a) or 8(b) was done, clicking on the
         eyeball icon in the admin sandbox resulted in the display of
         the appropriate welcome file;  specifically, in 8(a),  when the
         "Preview Website"  link was clicked on the admin sandbox,
         the paired-down alfresco www site is displayed.   In the case
         of 8(b),  the word  "hi" is displayed.

By any chance, do you have firewall rules that might be blocking JMX
messages to the virt server?  That would cause new websites to not
appear.  The virt server does not rely on jmx messages for the sites
it sees when it starts up, just newly created ones.  I'm wondering if
you're attributing something to case sensitivity that's really about
initial vs dynamically added sites & blocked JMX messages.

To rule that out, please double-check and make certain that
avm.remote.port=50500  and alfresco.virtserver.jmxrmi.port=50501
are not blocked.   I'm assuming port 8180 is not blocked.

Let me know what you see,


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Everyone,

I have the same problem with the virtual server with 2.20E - trial ( I did not have it on the 2.9C ).
The server and the virtual server are on the same RHEL5 machine.
Also tested running the virtual server on a separate Win2003 server.

The DNS names have mixed caps and the virtual server shows bad host name / Virtual website not found using lower case only.
(FF shows bad host name error, IE7 shows error 404)
I have this set up with an internal domain and cname for the *.domain to the server name ( setup per the instructions in the properties file )
The default tomcat status page comes up if you take out the sub domain.
The tomcat output for the virtual server shows updates when the web projects are changed.

I tested this with both the manual installed version of WCM (zip file ) and the linux installer.

Is this a known problem?
