12-07-2009 04:59 PM
12-07-2009 05:17 PM
12-07-2009 05:55 PM
12-08-2009 04:53 AM
ldap.authentication.userNameFormat=# Keep this blank to allow dynamic DN resolution under multiple OUs
ldap.synchronization.personQuery=(&(objectclass\=inetOrgPerson)(ou\=User Accounts))
ldap.synchronization.personDifferentialQuery=(&(objectclass\=inetOrgPerson)(ou\=User Accounts)(!(modifyTimestamp<\={0})))
12-08-2009 10:25 AM
12-08-2009 10:29 AM
12-08-2009 10:35 AM
12-08-2009 10:58 AM
12-23-2009 12:35 PM
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