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Error 500 in RSS Feed

Hey there, both in production, and a fresh install in a sandbox, the RSS within the site fires a 500 error, any resolve for this? Running 4.2.d

102020 by Champ on-the-rise
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Usage of more than one Activiti Engines on one database

Hi, I want to use the Activiti Explorer, the Activiti-Rest web app and an Activiti-engine embedded in a native application on the same database (activiti 5.11). It should e.g. possible to start a BPM process within a native java application via the a...

wegalt by Champ in-the-making
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Share LOG iN Failing URGENT!!!!

HI,I am running one alfresco application, two days back it was working fine, today its giving the below Error.13:30:50,162 ERROR [org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] Context initialization failedorg.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException:...

shibasis by Champ in-the-making
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JPA problem[help]

Hello,   I am studing JPA ,but met some problems.Followings are the background.   JPA : activiti-jpa-pu, no domain model is used.   main error message:Entity does not exist: example.Point - 1   There is one entity in the DB,but after the program abor...

banw by Champ in-the-making
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Overriding Email Templates

Hi all,Is there a convention for overriding email templates?For example, I want to modify the email template for site invitiations. Instead of overwriting the "alfresco/templates/invite-email-templates/invite-email.html.ftl" template file, I'd like t...

cpaul by Champ on-the-rise
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traquer les téléchargements

Je suis novice en alfresco.Ma question est ce que alfresco share offre la possibilité de savoir le User qui a téléchargé un fichier du document library de mon site ?si  non l’idée qui me vient en tête, c’est  de créer une activité téléchargement pour...

yasapp by Champ in-the-making
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Issue with Lucene Field query with 'No' value

In Alfresco 2.1 and 3.1, the Lucene search does not return content on a field search where the property value is 'No', 'no' or 'NO'.    For example, the query  below does not return any results when I have content with Author specified as "No".  This...

dashboard access problem

After a server interruption I cannot access to several site dashboards. "A server error has occurred" message is displayed when trying to access the dashboard page.I would like to know if it is possible to recover the access to these dashboard pages....

iclaves by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Property of type d:noderef

Hi All,I have created a custom content model. in my custom type i have property which is of type "d:noderef" where i will be storing noderef of another content. I know we can go with association/aspect to add this property. But consider this as speci...

alfsender by Champ in-the-making
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