05-26-2010 01:10 PM
06-04-2010 10:57 AM
model.put("nodeList", this.browseBean.getContent());
06-04-2010 10:10 PM
06-06-2010 01:08 PM
<td style="padding-right:4px" align=right>
<%– custom button –%>
<nobr><a:actionLink value="CustomButton" image="/custom/images/icons/customButton.png" style="white-space:nowrap" actionListener="#{CustomDialog.myMethod}" id="mylink1" /></nobr>
public class CustomDialog extends BaseDialogBean {
Map<String, Object> templateModel;
protected TemplateImageResolver imageResolver;
public void myMethod(ActionEvent event) {
imageResolver = new TemplateImageResolver() {
public String resolveImagePathForName(String filename,
FileTypeImageSize size) {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ServletContext servletContext = ((HttpServletRequest) context
return FileTypeImageUtils.getFileTypeImage(servletContext,
filename, size);
// go to custom dialog
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
fc.getApplication().getNavigationHandler().handleNavigation(fc, null, "dialog:custom");
public Map getTemplateModel()
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(4, 1.0f);
model.put("nodeList", this.browseBean.getContent());
model.put(TemplateService.KEY_IMAGE_RESOLVER, imageResolver);
return model;
protected String finishImpl(FacesContext context, String outcome) throws Exception {
// return the default outcome
return outcome;
public TemplateImageResolver getImageResolver() {
return imageResolver;
public void setImageResolver(TemplateImageResolver imageResolver) {
this.imageResolver = imageResolver;
public void setTemplateModel(Map<String, Object> templateModel) {
this.templateModel = templateModel;
<dialog name="custom" page="/jsp/extension/dialogs/custom.jsp" managed-bean="CustomDialog"
icon="/custom/images/icons/custom_1.gif" title="Custom"
description="Displays custom list" />
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/repo.tld" prefix="r" %>
<r:template template="alfresco/templates/custom.ftl" model="#{CustomDialog.templateModel}" />
06-06-2010 01:48 PM
model.put("nodeList", this.browseBean.getContent());
model.put("hello","hello, how are you");
public Map getTemplateModel()
nameList = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
customList = new java.util.ArrayList<customNode>();
List<Node> searchResults = this.browseBean.getContent();
Integer searchResultsCount = searchResults.size();
for(ListIterator<Node>li=searchResults.listIterator(); li.hasNext(); )
Node resultNode = li.next();
String Name = resultNode.getName();
customList.add(new customNode(resultNode));
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(4, 1.0f);
model.put("names", nameList);
model.put("custom", customList);
//model.put("nodeList", this.browseBean.getContent());
model.put(TemplateService.KEY_IMAGE_RESOLVER, imageResolver);
return model;
06-06-2010 01:50 PM
06-06-2010 01:55 PM
Returns a map capable of executing a search against the entire repository based on a Lucene search string. It returns a sequence of nodes which represent the objects from the results of the search, such as companyhome.childrenByLuceneSearch["TEXT:alfresco* AND TEXT:tutorial*"]. The value can be any valid Lucene search string supported by Alfresco. Note that you may need to escape Lucene specific characters. Note that the entire repository is searched: the current node is only used as an access point to retrieve the search object.
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