The problem is that printing through the flash option has some issues; it shows te header with the zoom, Full Screen Options and Maximize buttons at te moment of printing; the size is usually wrong, more tan one page of the real document appear in the print pages and width is usually wrong too. What`s the problem with this?
In the company there are anual external audits, when it comes to the process of documentation, they are not used to CMS software I must say. The problem is that there a specific "rules" when it comes to the presentation of the documentation, all the document have specific nomenclature depending their subject and a especific number, and all print document must have that structure.
What happends is that the users print the documents through the flash preview because it`s more direct (I tried hard to explain them why they must not do it) and when it comes the anual audit, there are always documents printed in this way, being different than the expected format.
So, that is way I want to take it out, since I don`t like the functionalities that has (I don`t like how it prints) and it`s an issue I couldn`t fix with the people that`s using it.