I have some trouble starting up, i get the error :
10:31:56,109 WARN [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco 'dir.root' property is set to a relative path './alf_data'. 'dir.root' should be overridden to point to a specific folder.
10:31:56,109 INFO [org.alfresco.repo.admin.ConfigurationChecker] The Alfresco root data directory ('dir.root') is: .\alf_data
But i checked the dir.root in custom-repository.properties and it points to dir.root=C:/Alfresco/alf_data just the place where i have my alfresco installation. Could there be an other location i need to adjust the dir.root property? I don't understand why the error still thinks the path is set to a relative path ./alf_data