I have deployed a process definition using a BPMN file. The process that i had deployed works completely fine, however when i check the instance tab which lists down all the instances created for a process i come across the below exception:
Invocation of method 'getAllProcessInstances' in class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy153 threw exception org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: deployment '5e92cca2-f3ca-4608-963a-94aeeaa17c4b' didn't put process definition 'SIIDDGeneralReviewProcess:1:7f8f20c4-05a9-4398-8dc9-577f7d80484e' in the cache at pages/settings/workflowinstances/workflowinstances.vm[line 12, column 38]
Can anyone please advise what needs to be done to resolve this issue?