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Deploying Activiti Explorer to Alfresco 4.0b

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,

Is it possible to deploy Activiti Explorer to Alfresco tomcat to manage Alfresco built-in Activiti installation? I've changed the Activiti rest activiti.cfg.xml file to point to the Alfresco database and copied the Activiti rest and explorer wars to alfresco tomcat's webapps folder. Activiti explorer is running ok, but if I try to deploy new workflow using Activiti explorer deploy feature it is not shown in the Alfresco list of workflows.

Do I understand right that the common db is not enough to use Alfresco and Activiti Explorer together?

Anton Ivanov.

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Star Contributor

Alfresco Enterprise contains an integrated Activiti Explorer to do this kind of stuff.
Out-of-the-box not all the functionality of the Activiti Explorer works when using Alfresco, like the deployment.

Best regards,

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Not all of us are able to implement Alfresco Enterprise Edition because of budgetary considerations. Are you saying that we can not use Activiti Explorer with Alfresco Comunity at all or just that you won't help us because we can't afford Enterprise?


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Star Contributor

This is a forum for the Activiti open source project, so I definitely won't say that we don't help you if you don't have Alfresco Enterprise.
I just said that in Alfresco Enterprise there is an Activiti Explorer integrated. This integration may also become part of the community edition but it's not yet part of the latest community release.
You still can use the open source Activiti Explorer, but you'll need to connect it to the Activiti database used by Alfresco.

Best regards,

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Thank you for the reply. The question that I have is exact how do I connect to the activiti db being used be Alfresco? I'm using 4.0.c. I've got the iPad app and would love to on next from it.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I am facing similar problem with custom workflow developed using activiti-explorer in alfresco 5.0

I deployed activiti-explorer war in alfresco webapps folder. I developed a custom workflow using activiti-explorer graphical design. I didn't write any xml code. I am unable to see my custom workflow deployed in alfresco. The custom workflow is not shown in alfresco list of workflows. What configuration should I do inorder to see my custom workflow in the available workflows dropdown in alfresco. Do I have to write xml code inorder to develop custom workflows to see them in alfresco. Graphical design workflows doesn't work? Can you explain the steps if you solved it. Please help me

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Star Contributor
Alfresco uses a very specific Activiti process engine configuration. Simply deploying to the same database is not enough … you would need to mimic the exact same process engine configuration.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks Barrez for your response.
Can you suggest me any graphical design tools that define same process engine configuration as Activiti process engine in alfresco.
I really want to know how to deploy a workflow in alfresco developed using graphical design. Can you suggest me such kind of references using graphical design. Is workflow design through xml configuration is the only approach? Please help me.

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Star Contributor
That's currently as far I know at least; the only approach.
The alternative is using a modeling tool and adding the activiti specific bits manually in the xml later on.