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Custom extensionElements are erased after editing process definition

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm using custom extensionElements in my process definition, like that:

    <serviceTask id="aTask" name="Do Something But Fail" activiti:async="true" activiti:class="mypackage.myClass">

and I have xmlns:foo defined at the top of .bpmn file.

When I edit this process definition in Activiti Designer 5.11 (also tried 5.12), both custom extensionElements and custom namespace declaration are removed from the file.

I'd appreciate if someone could answer my questions:
1) Is it expected behavior at the moment or a bug?
2) If it is a bug, is there a workaround that would allow me to use Activiti Designer and keep the extensionElements?
3) If it is expected behavior, how hard would it be to extend Activiti Designer to support my custom extensionElements? Is there an example of such an extension?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi melentye,

If I get your question right, you are of the opinion that the designer offers a bi-directional sync. It does not.
You have to decide on the one component you will use (designer or xml), what we do is to draw up the process definition using the designer.
Then when all the required design is complete, we then ONLY use the xml file.

I hope this helps you. I have no idea if this has been logged as bug on not.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Hi Andrey,

It's a known issue. We want to add support for this in the Designer, so the best thing would be to raise a JIRA for now. Extending the Activiti Designer would not be a good solution to my opinion, then it would be better to create a pull request so we can add the functionality to the Activiti Designer straightaway.

Best regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi Tijs,

thanks for the input, I've raised
not sure if all the fields are filled properly, please let me know if I need to change anything
