Hi there,
I've been trying to create a custom CreateWebContentWizard. In preparation I simply wanted to move all of the relevant artifacts to our customization project for easy integration with the product. Here are the steps I took:
1. Created an EMPTY bean: CustomCreateWebContentWizard that extends CreateWebContentWizard (no methods, or anything else).
2. Copied the <managed-bean> node from faces-config-beans.xml to my project.
3. Modified said configuration to point to the CustomCreateWebContentWizard class.
4. In my web-client-config-custom.xml file, created a wizard configuration that has a managed-bean attribute pointing to the new managed-bean configuration described above.
When I run alfresco, the form generated with this configuration is a simple text area (no XForm or anything else). Changing the web-client-config-custom.xml to point to have a managed-bean attribute="CreateWebContentWizard" produces the expected form.
Shouldn't my custom configuration do the same? Have I missed a configuration step?