11-27-2012 04:55 AM
<actionGroup id="document-details">
<action index="100" id="document-download" />
<action index="110" id="document-view-content" />
<action index="120" id="document-edit-metadata" />
<action index="130" id="document-upload-new-version" />
<action index="140" id="document-view-original" />
<action index="150" id="document-view-working-copy" />
<action index="160" id="document-approve" />
<action index="170" id="document-reject" />
<action index="180" id="document-inline-edit" />
<action index="190" id="document-edit-online" />
<action index="200" id="document-edit-offline" />
<action index="210" id="document-view-googledoc" />
<action index="220" id="document-checkout-to-googledocs" />
<action index="230" id="document-checkin-from-googledocs" />
<action index="240" id="document-copy-to" />
<action index="250" id="document-move-to" />
<action index="260" id="document-delete" />
<action index="270" id="document-assign-workflow" />
<action index="280" id="document-cancel-editing" />
<action index="290" id="document-manage-site-permissions" />
<action index="300" id="document-manage-repo-permissions" />
<action index="310" id="document-manage-aspects" />
<action index="320" id="document-change-type" />
<action index="330" id="document-view-in-source-repository" />
<action index="340" id="document-publish" />
<action index="350" id="document-view-googlemaps" />
<action index="100" id="document-download" />
of this file, the action Download will no longer be visible on the panel. <actionGroup id="document-details-custom">
<action index="100" id="document-download" />
<!– Document Actions (incl commons) –>
<div class="yui-u">
<@region id="document-details-custom" scope="template"/>
11-27-2012 06:51 AM
Action Group resolver - decides which action group id to use for a node
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