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CRUD Desktop Apps with Alfresco as DB

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I want to develop apps using Swing and have a Alfresco as database,

is it possible?

can give me a glue to start it/

I want to develop apps, ex New Registration Employee, and want to attach the image of the employee to alfresco, his ID card, his family married status form,

and the Apps will have CRUD capability,


anyone have the example of apps that save to database and attachment to alfresco.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I want to develop apps using Swing and have a Alfresco as database,

is it possible?

can give me a glue to start it/

I want to develop apps, ex New Registration Employee, and want to attach the image of the employee to alfresco, his ID card, his family married status form,

and the Apps will have CRUD capability,


anyone have the example of apps that save to database and attachment to alfresco.

Alfresco might be a wee bit heavy for such a simple use-case if that is all you want to do.  Just tossing that out there. 

I'd look at using webscripts or webservices to allow the swing app talk to Alfresco.  There are all kinds of examples on the wiki.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
i have a example to use CRUD with jackrabbit and success,event not stable enough

do you have example for webscript and webservices in CRUD mode?