Just to start the discussion, I intend to put working copy of hr_language_pack_13_v0.1 on the forge.alfresco.com. Check at http://forge.alfresco.com/projects/croatian/ Only two biggest files are included so far.
The question on local rules: Is it allowed to carry on discussion mainly in Croatian, as the native speakers are bit more efficient in communication within own "mother-tongue"?
The terms are translated using public tool used for the popular Linux applications translation, which is at http://lokalizacija.linux.hr/. Most terms are selected from Openoffice 2 HR version, but particular terms (some shown below) are yet to be discussed.
Prevođenje je u tijeku. Ako se mislite uključiti, svakako ostavite poruku ovdje ili na http://forge.alfresco.com/projects/croatian/. Bilo bi steta raditi dvostruki ili trostruki posao, nema nas kao kineza.