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Cookies and Tickets

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi to everybody. I'm facing the following problem: I'm using the Google Gadget Web Script (aggadget/folder/) to display in a IFrame in a Web application the Space of a user with the same username/password of my webapp's user.

When a user logs in my webapp, I request a ticket from the login web script, and then I put it on the alf_ticket parameter in this way:

<iframe name="ALF" src="/alfresco/service/aggadget/folder/?alf_ticket=TICKET….
Fine, working.

However, if the user clicks on an hyperlink (for example the parentDir link) the user is requested for authentication. I know I could Hack the Google Web Script in a way that it rewrites the ticket everywhere, but I wonder if there is a better solution, in particular if I can put the ticket or JSESSION ID in a coockie..

Thank you all for reading

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

The ticket does not function like a session ID you have to give your ticket in all of your request.
So when you click on an hyperlink you have to put your ticket on the end of the redirection url for exemple : "/alfresco/d/d/workspace://SpacesStore/fab9c83c-a665-11dd-a0fb-5d1ac543d3b6?alf_ticket=TICKET".

I hope that can help you,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Unfortunately, I already understood that, but if you look in Google Web Scripts, you can see that there are at least 12 scripts, and each script has potentially many hyperlinks. I was trying to find a more elegant way than to put the ticket in every link

Btw, if I get a version 'ticket-aware', is anyone interested or it is a customization too much app-oriented? Where should I put it, on the SVN or should I send it to alfresco engineers first?