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Contributor without delete and edit permission

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I've created a folder as an admin and assigned a Contributor.
I wanted the contributor to only upload, nothing else. I understand that if the Contributor uploads a content, he will automatically be a creator and is able to delete and edit that content even if he is assigned as a consumer in a different folder.

I've tried removePermission but I have problems with the runas admin here.

Next, I've tried assigning permission (

<permissionGroup name="FullWithoutDelete" allowFullControl="false" expose="false">

          <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="Read"/>

          <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="AddChildren"/>

          <includePermissionGroup type="sys:base" permissionGroup="Execute"/>


<globalPermission permission="FullWithoutDelete" authority="ROLE_OWNER"/>

But then, Contributor cannot upload content at all due to permission error.
How do I resolve this? Thank you in advance.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Content owner have all permissions on his contents. So You can add an action to change the ownership of a content to the authorized user, after that the contributor will no longer be able to delete the contents

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thank you. I've finally able to solve this by setting cmSmiley Surprisedwner = admin through run action.