Hi, folks –
My snazzy new content model defines a cool content type named "xyz:ConsentForm". I would like to create a new space in which only items of this type can reside. As it is, when uploading a document into the new space, one can select any of several content types, besides the intended one.
I found some old-ish posts asking about this requirement, but the answers were of the "gee, you'd probably have to hack the source code" ilk.
My guess is that one would create a new "space type" called, say, "xyz:ContentFormSpace" that inherits from the default space type, and set some constraint on the content types to be offered therein, but I haven't found a way to do this latter part as yet.
What's the current (ie, 4.2.c) thinking behind restricting the content types available within a given space?