Hi All , I am a newbie to alfresco , We are trying to configure Connection pool on Tomcat 5.5 . we are able deploy a sample application with connection pool settings , but when it comes to alfresco , we are facing binding issues.
In the post ( http://forums.alfresco.com/en/viewtopic.php?t=8385 ) says , Due to the packaging of the naming-*jar files it is not possible to get java:comp/env context and we also observed same . If we put naming-*jar we are facing same issue in our sample application , as we are facing with alfresco.
So my question is , 1. Do alfresco require naming-*jar with Alfresco war , although those jars are present in Tomcat by default. 2. Does naming-*jar are modified for Alfresco. 3. Will it affect alfresco , if those jar are removed from Alfresco war.
Alfresco 2.2! I suggest you use a more recent version.
And the thread you reference is long dead.
Perhaps you should start by saying what you are trying to do, there should be no need to configure a connection pool in tomcat, the out of the box configuration should "just work".
If naming*.jar are removed from alfresco lib , pool is getting created but as I asked in my previous post Do naming*.jar are modified for alfresco , if not will alfresco work without any issues when naming*.jar are removed from alfresco lib.