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Configuring connection pool with Tomcat 5.5

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All ,
I am a newbie to alfresco ,
We are trying to configure Connection pool on Tomcat 5.5 .
we are able deploy a sample application with connection pool settings ,  but when it comes to alfresco , we are facing binding issues.

In the post  ( )  says , Due to the packaging of the naming-*jar files it is not possible to get java:comp/env  context and we also observed same .
If we put naming-*jar  we are facing same issue in our sample application , as we are facing with alfresco.

So my question is ,
1. Do alfresco require naming-*jar with Alfresco war , although those jars are present in Tomcat by default.
2. Does naming-*jar are modified for Alfresco.
3. Will it affect alfresco , if those jar are removed from Alfresco war.

we are using Alfresco 2.2.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Alfresco 2.2!   I suggest you use a more recent version.

And the thread you reference is long dead.

Perhaps you should start by saying what you are trying to do, there should be no need to configure a connection pool in tomcat, the out of the box configuration should "just work".

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi mrogers ,
Thanks for reply ,
As per using recent version , we can not use it because 2.2 is already in production.

We have our own local database to which we want to configure connection pooling.

We do not want to modify or do any configuration on server   (server.xml ,etc ) to configure pool.

We are trying to configure pool per-web-application context XML file (META-INF/context.xml).

If naming*.jar are removed from alfresco lib , pool is getting created but as I asked in my previous post
Do naming*.jar are modified  for alfresco , if not will alfresco work without any issues when naming*.jar are removed from alfresco lib.