2. Then create database (this is cofigurable) MySQL
for Liferay Portal 4.3 create database liferay43dev; grant all on liferay43dev.* to 'liferay43dev'@'localhost' identified by 'liferay43dev' with grant option; grant all on liferay43dev.* to 'liferay43dev'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by 'liferay43dev' with grant option;
input data mysql -u liferay43dev -pliferay43dev liferay43dev < portal-mysql-43.sql
for Alfresco Portlet create database alfresco201plet; grant all on alfresco201plet.* to 'alfresco201plet'@'localhost' identified by 'alfresco201plet' with grant option; grant all on alfresco201plet.* to 'alfresco201plet'@'localhost.localdomain' identified by 'alfresco201plet' with grant option;
3. Start your AS from unzipped file tomcat/bin/startup.bat or sh startup.sh