unfortunately I am not able to send you the source.
But actually the process is very simple. Just like this:
start -> script1-> usertask1 -> usertask2 -> script2 -> end
The process is deployed using Activiti Explorer.
We implemented a web application (war) that exposes some operations via SOAP, e.g. FormService.submitTaskData, to external clients (.NET, Swing, etc.), so that they can update form properties and interact with the process. This war is deployed on the same Tomcat as Actitiviti itself. That's what I meant with second web application.
Everything works fine except that lwhen usertask2 is completed (via FormService.submitUserTaskData or TaskService.complete called from within our web service) the process does not continue with script2. Going from usertask1 to usertask2 works. When I complete usertask2 from within Activiti Explorer script2 is executed as well.
Very strange.
What is the best way to check the state of the process using Actitviti probe?
Do I probably have to call RuntimeService.signal? to trigger the process to continue?
Any ideas would be very much appreciated.